Go Iowa Fund grants support nearby nonprofit helpers


The Iowa 80 Truckstop and CAT Scale Company are proud to announce the grantees of the December 2024 grant cycle of the Go Iowa Fund Grant Program. The Go Iowa Fund was established to provide a structure for Iowa 80 Group employees and other individuals to request money to support good causes, organizations or philanthropies that they are involved in. Any Iowa based charity or organization can apply. Grant are awarded twice a year.

The following organizations applied and have been awarded grants

Trucker Buddy International

Walcott K-8 School

Walcott Hearts and Hands

Lutheran Services of Iowa

Iowa 80 Trucking Museum

Junior Achievement Bowl-A-Thon

Davenport Central High School Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Team.

The funds go to a variety of good causes, such as cost assistance for mental health services, education, cemetery beautification projects, and partnerships classrooms and professional truck drivers.  Learn more  at iowa80group.com/our-company/go-iowa-fund-program/.
