The West Liberty Heritage Foundation is presenting a history program and fundraiser on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. at the West Liberty Community Center. Presenters will include Leta Mae Howard Christensen and Marilyn Duncan Henderson. Christensen is a 1950 graduate of West Liberty High School, and Henderson a 1946 graduate. Both are life-long residents of West Liberty.
Christensen plans to speak about the time she spent at the Stagecoach Inn as a child, World War II and its impact on West Liberty, her time working as a telephone operator in town, her dad’s time working as a mailman on the train, and more!
Bob Cline will present a short slide show of people and places from the town’s past. Cline is a 1955 graduate of WLHS. He too is a life-long resident of West Liberty.
Scott Brooke, long time member of the Heritage Foundation’s board, will give an update on the progress of the 1841 Beers and St. John Stagecoach Inn project, which the Foundation is raising money for. After restoration, the inn will be open to the public, with a museum in the basement.
At the program, the Foundation will be selling prints of the Beers and St. John Inn, by local artist Carlos Maldonado. Sizes available will be 8x10, $50, and 11x14, $100.
Refreshments will be served, and free will donations are accepted.
For more info, please email, or phone 563-299-6475.