New officer Craig Ford pitches in on shop with a cop tradition


By Tim Evans

Index Reporter

West Liberty’s newest police officer, Craig Ford, was desiring a nap mid-day Wednesday, Dec. 4, upon his participation in the community’s Shop with a Cop program.

After all, he had just finished his usual 6 p.m.-6 a.m. night shift on his regular duty in the community and mid-day was his regularly scheduled sleep. “I’m not used to being awake when others are awake,” he said.

But the officer who lives near Lone Tree pounded through the Shop with a Cop circus of activities, helping his youngster select presents in Muscatine and then meeting with youngsters again at the West Liberty Community Center for lunch and gift wrapping.

Ford was hired by West Liberty in August to add to their seven member staff led by Chief Joshua Houser.

He comes with some valuable experience that the West Liberty department needed according to Houser. Ford was a member of the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department for 10 years previously and worked for the lake city of Penora on the west side of the state after graduating from officer training.

With his wife, Caitlin, the couple has three children from ages 8-14 including their oldest, a daughter named Claire, and two sons – Owen and James.

The chief compliments Ford for his dedication to the position and says he’s done a great job, noting he brings some valuable experience to his young team of officers. “It’s great to have that knowledge,” the chief said.

Houser welcomes citizens of the community to get acquainted with Ford when they can – without flashing lights of course.


