Richard and Vera Smith family show support for fairgrounds

$5,000 contribution to event center follows lifetime of fair service


Richard and Vera Smith Family Donate $5,000 to Seating in the Board Room in the New Event Center

The Richard and Vera Smith Family of West Liberty has donated $5,000 to the new Event Center at the Muscatine County Fair. Richard and Vera have three children, Laurie Pforts, Jason Smith, and Melissa Silvernale.

Richard was in 4-H growing up and then FFA once he got into high school. He showed cattle at the fair each summer. Vera was in 4-H growing up, exhibiting cooking and sewing projects each year. Richard joined the Muscatine County Fair Board in 1990 and was on the board for 11 years, then he was the Muscatine County Fair Manager for 8 years following his terms on the fair board. During those years Richard spent 12 years on the Association of Iowa Fair’s Board serving the Southeast District. In 2021 Richard was inducted into the Association of Iowa Fair’s Hall of Fame. Richard and Vera have both also been named Honorary Fair Board Members here at the Muscatine County Fair.

When asked what they love about the fair, Vera said, “The fair is important because it emphasizes the youth and teaches them responsibility and hard work through their 4-H and FFA projects.” Richard then added that he loves the atmosphere and all the people they have met along the way. It’s a place where you can catch up with old friends you haven’t seen since the year before at the fair, but also working with the Iowa Association allowed them to meet many people throughout the state.

This gift from the Smith Family will go towards seating in the board room. The new event center will have a board room along with a great room, kitchen, restrooms, bar, offices, patio, and a meeting room; all of which are things the current activity center lacks. The new event center will be a modern facility that can seat 500 people in the great room and will be the first of its kind in Muscatine County.

“I really can’t thank the Smith Family enough for their monetary gift and their overall dedication to the fair. I also appreciate Richard and Vera understanding the need for the details of the project and the need for new seating to go with the new beautiful building,” said Kelsey Meyers, Muscatine County Fair Manager.

To donate to the project or to sponsor an area, contact Kelsey Meyers at the Muscatine County Fair Office at 319-627-2414 or at
