West Liberty schools

School board selects Rebecca Vargas as chair


By Erin M. Gentz

Index Editor

Rebecca Vargas will lead the West Liberty School Board for the next year after being elected president of the board at the Nov. 18 meeting

Board member Edward Moreno nominated Vargas as president of the board, and Audra Daufeldt as vice president. Board members Jacob Burroughs and Kira Achen were absent from the meeting.

District business director and board secretary Abby Ortiz presided over the nominations and voting before administering the oath of office to Vargas.

At the meeting, which lasted 17 minutes, board members also approved continuing the current schedule of meeting on the first and third Mondays of the month, at 6 p.m., with the exception of Labor Day and the first Monday in January and July. The West Liberty Index was approved as the newspaper of record, and Ahlers & Cooney P.C. as the district’s attorney for student and personnel matters.

Committee assignments remained the same for the year: Buildings and Grounds (Achen and Moreno), Transportation (Achen and Burroughs), Negotiations (Burroughs and Vargas), Foundation (Moreno and Vargas), Wellness (Moreno and Daufeldt), Muscatine County Conference Board (Burroughs), Chamber of Commerce (superintendent Shaun Kruger). Middle school principal Vicki Vernon was appointed district 504 coordinator, where she will be responsible for preventing discrimination against students, employees, and others based on disability. Assistant high school principal Andrew Genz was named district equity coordinator. Counselors Stephanie Paulsen and Russ Hughes were appointed Level 1 investigators, and Jim Sweeney & Associates as Level 2 investigators for allegations of abuse. Activities director Adam Loria was named Title IX coordinator.

The board approved one fundraising request for the National Honor Society, which plans to hold a winter camp the Saturday before Christmas. Children in preschool through fourth grade will be invited to attend from 4-8 p.m. at the high school.
