United Way Muscatine County’s Kids First Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is 7-9 a.m., Friday, Nov. 15 at MidWest One Bank’s Walnut Room, 300 E Second St, Muscatine.
The Kids First Fund is designed to eliminate barriers to education and participation in extracurricular activities. In 2023, the Kids First Fund provided almost $30,000 in support to over 1,100 kids in Muscatine County. Last year, the fund helped purchase things like weather-appropriate clothing, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, eye exams, glasses, band equipment, activity fees, alarm clocks, caps and gowns for graduation, testing fees, college application fees, and so much more.
On-site dining and pre-orders are available. To place an order in advance, please call 563-263-5963 by noon, Thursday, Nov. 14, so we can have orders ready on the 15th.
For more information, contact United Way Community Engagement Manager Hilary Henke at
hilary@unitedwaymuscatine.org, or (563) 279-4237.