
August 2024 marked an important milestone for the West Liberty Community Center.  Twenty-six years ago that month was the groundbreaking for construction of the complex, which is situated at 1204 N. Calhoun St., and includes the community center building, along with the West Liberty Child Care Center facility.

Many volunteers, contributors and community members attended the August 1998 groundbreaking, which featured remarks by then-President of the WLCC Board of Directors Bob Fulwider, Steering Committee member Tom Brooke and Endorsement Chair Martin Rich. 

Major donors were recognized for their assistance in completing the $1.35 million capital campaign, including an anonymous contributor of a lead gift of $400,000, which was revealed in 2016 to be the late John and Eloise Wright of West Liberty.

A second lead gift was received from Martin Rich, of Bettendorf, and Norman Rich, of Davenport, who together contributed $200,000. 

In accordance with the Wright’s wishes, the community center was named in honor of the Reverend Ralph and Elizabeth Farmer, while the Riches requested that the child care center be named in memory of Louis and Ida Rich. 

Other major donors to the project included:

Filmore and Marjorie Melick, who gave $150,000 to establish an operating endowment for the community center;

West Liberty State Bank and the Heath Trust, which both pledged $100,000;

Liberty Communications, which contributed $50,000.

Numerous other organizations and individuals from West Liberty and the surrounding region were also recognized for their generosity, which ultimately provided the WLCC with commitments of $1,377,880.     

The speakers also emphasized how so many in the city came together to make the community center a reality by endorsing a vision of growth for West Liberty. 

Bob Cline was especially recognized for his unwavering commitment to seeing this important project to completion, and his talent for communicating its value to others. 

A ceremonial turning of the earth by Mayor Jack Gerstbrein and other city leaders, campaign volunteers and contributors, building planners and local youth representatives demonstrated the breadth of support existing for the center and its promise to serve all constituencies in West Liberty.       

The WLCC was officially opened to the public in October 1999, and 25 years later the WLCC  remains dedicated to serving our community in a variety of ways, from caring for the youngest infants in child care to hosting engaging activities for adults, families and seniors. 

While the very first enrollees in the child care center have graduated from college and are becoming parents themselves, the program continues to operate full time, delivering the highest-quality care for children from infancy through age four.  The center helps many local families juggle the often complicated balance of family, work and school through a year-round program of personalized early childhood education, nutrition and recreation that prepares our youngest citizens for school and beyond. 

Recent projects at the child care center include installation of bright, fun new interior furnishings; important safety additions of indoor and outdoor security cameras and coded entries; an upgrade to an online operational management system and, most excitingly, a new playground.   Other improvements are being planned by our talented staff to ensure that the center remains a safe, healthy and attractive home for the child care program.

The community center also plans new development projects, having recently undergone a redesign of the building interior with fresh paint and décor.  The center has updated its website, with a new look and more accessible information for those seeking a convenient way to contact the facility and schedule events.  Its capable director pursues creative ways to encourage use of the community center:  in addition to serving as the site for meetings of local clubs, organizations and businesses and hosting special events, such as weddings and quinceaneras,  the community center offers some popular programs of its own, including twice-yearly music bingo nights and inviting a variety of food trucks with many tasty treats to sample. 

In fact, our next music bingo night is coming up soon, on Saturday, Nov. 16.  Doors open at 6:30, and guests will be eligible for a variety of door prizes, silent auction items and raffles, including one for a stay in a beautiful cabin retreat in Tennessee.  The entrance fee with all games is $20, and the event is BYOB (beer and wine only, please) with pizza for purchase and free popcorn. Please bring family and friends, and give yourself some time to visit our display on the 25th anniversary of WLCC.   

As West Liberty grows, the WLCC intends to enhance our campus in ways that will best meet the needs of all sectors of the community.  Our buildings and grounds remain sound and serviceable, but we continue to invest in them to ensure that they maintain the accessibility, comfort and safety that our guests deserve, and we are always seeking new ideas for programs and activities to engage our public. We ask everyone to stay tuned for more updates, and to please feel free to visit the WLCC at any time—we are here to serve you.


(Submitted by Lynne Sasmazer, on behalf of the West Liberty Community Center Board of Directors.)
