We begin a new year, the year of our Lord, 2024, an election year, the New Year.
It is a time to reflect on the past year of 2023. It is a time to ponder ahead on the new year of 2024. Let us each pray that it can be a year of personal growth and personal change for the better.
In the Bible we read about a new life, a life of change and transformation. A removal of the old and the coming of the new. It speaks about personal change and growth and transformation.
It mentions qualities and characteristics of life that God wants to give us and put within us. Virtues called “The Fruit of The Spirit.” These are mentioned throughout the Bible.
These are behaviors which are to flow into our lives and out of our lives to all people all around, everywhere, all the time.
Here are some of The Fruit mentioned: Love, Joy Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Humility, Meekness, Generosity, Self-Discipline, Self-control, Hope, Purity. It is obvious the world needs all these.
Throughout the Bible we run into other concepts which I call “The Pillars of Life.” These are foundational and fundamental.
As we lose these pillars life falls apart all around us. These Pillars are Love, Truth, Peace, Justice, Righteousness, Hope, Wisdom, Good, Joy, Trust, Mercy, Salvation, Faithfulness, Understanding.
These are gifts that God gives us. Jesus exemplified and lived all these before us when he walked this earth.
His intention is for His Church, His people to be filled with these and for these to flow through us to the world all around. The world needs all these.
Let us choose to be His people through whom all these fruit and pillars flow to all the world of humanity all around us.
May the Prayer of St. Francis be lived out through us: Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace and Love and Joy and all these beautiful things that come from You!