Letter to the editor

West Branch council member apologizes to West Liberty


On Monday, Oct. 30, there was a roundtable discussion at the City of West Branch City Hall to discuss the direction of the West Branch Police Department.

I am writing this to apologize to the West Liberty Police Department for the things said last night at the West Branch roundtable meeting. It was disheartening to hear these elected and appointed officials talk so badly about a neighboring police department. West Liberty police department in my mind, is a very good upstanding department that does a great job of protecting and serving their community. They have six full-time officers, plus part-time officers. They are not paid as much as West Branch Officers are, but they are able to retain their officers.

I am appalled to think that the people that voiced their opinion so negatively of the West Liberty police department can look at themselves in the mirror today. And to think, these people that just bashed the West Liberty Police are supposed to be professional and upstanding people.

I must applaud West Liberty Interim Police Chief Strong, for sitting there, listening to his department be bashed, and then, to stand up and still extend a helping hand to West Branch citizens

Jodee Stoolman

West Branch council member
